No Money For College?

Money For College Students

“We started saving too late and mija doesn’t have enough money for college.”

Have you ever heard this or said it?

For families trying to send their students to college for the first time, this is a common dilemma. Often sadness exists at beginning to save too late or seeing all the hard work students have done in order to get good grades and there just is no financial support to see them off to college.

But, there is GOOD NEWS!!

It is a very fixable problem for any family or student. There is an abundance (hear me again, an ABUNDANCE) of money that does not get used every year because not enough students apply for scholarships! Don’t let that be you or your family member! It does take some time, energy, and effort.

For seniors in high school, it may mean carving out time in addition to homework and senior activities to complete scholarship applications. But, this is your future we are talking about and it will be worth it! If mija or mijo is a little bit lazy? Well, then mom, dad, w’elita, w’elito, tio, or tia, this is your time to encourage the student in your life to see a bigger picture beyond high school. Graduating college opens doors for the rest of their life. It is something they will earn that can never be taken away from them. It is like having a key to many doors.

Don’t let your student be robbed of a lifetime of opportunities just because they are not as motivated to fill out scholarship applications. It is your role to help them see beyond the present moment and to fight for the kind of future they really desire.

Check out this list of scholarships: